Как получить все кулинарные рецепты в Fields of Mistria – .

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«cookbook of Mystria»

Хотя на первый взгляд recipebook может показаться странной книгой, если вы начинаете играть в «Поля Мистрии», выSoon realize that it is an important element of the game. In this article, we’ll explore the various ways to obtain recipes and other interesting facts about cooking in Mystria.

Recipes unlocked automatically

When you first start playing, you’ll have access to a default set of seven recipes. These will allow you to cook a limited selection of dishes, but don’t worry – there are many more ways to obtain recipes as you progress through the game. You’ll need to gather resources and ingredients to unlock the rest of the recipes.

Request for new quests

One of the best ways to obtain new recipes is by completing quests. Keep an eye on the quest board, which can be found in various locations, for new requests. Some quests require you to collect specific resources, such as berries or fish, while others task you with defeating certain enemies.

In addition to the quest board, there are other ways to obtain recipes through requests. You can also ask inhabitants of Mystria for help and receive recipes in return for fulfilling their requests.

Recipes from various sources

As you explore Mystria, you’ll discover that there are other sources of recipes beyond the quest board. Each of these sources has its own requirements and rewards.

For example, by visiting the Wishing Well in Eastern Road, you can receive a set of unique recipes by making a donation to this mysterious landmark. Similarly, the Sleepy Dragon Inn offers a variety of dishes, including some that can’t be found anywhere else.

Recipes from donations

Mystria also has other sources of recipes, such as Museums. These institutions can be reached by making donations to the exhibits of interest. Some of the recipients of these donations will reward you with additional recipes.

In addition to these regular sources, there are also special events and workshops that can provide access to new recipes.


In conclusion, Mystria has a wide variety of recipes that you can unlock and master. From quests and requests to donations and special events, the means of obtaining recipes are diverse and rewarding.

Before you begin your culinary journey through Mystria, remember that many of these recipes require resources, ingredients, and sometimes even the right quest or donation.

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